Mouse Mover

AutoMice(Automize?) is a free, no installation required, no admin right s required, user-friendly mouse auto-mover to keep your desktop active. The latest version can always be downloaded from here


  • Mouse auto-movement after a period of inactivity

  • Multiple movement patterns

  • Changeable start/stop key combination

  • Adjustable parameter as time, distance

  • Friendly GUI

Usage - No installation needed

  • Download the archive

  • Extract the executable

  • Move it to your desired place

  • Run the executable


For windows: If you don't know what type of architecture your system uses (32-bit/x86 or 64-bit/x64), download the x86 version as it is compatible with both of them.

For both Linux and Windows: If for any reason the executable placed in the root folder doesn't work as expected, you can use a different executable that can be found in "MouseMoverData" folder. The executable in the root folder serves as a shortcut to the real one.


Developer Instructions


  • At least python 3.7+

Run in the root folder in a terminal:

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt



  • Python 3.7+(32 bit, optionally 64 bit) - installed and added to path

  • requiements.txt - installed


  • run python or python3

Special mentions

  • If the "shortcuts" / executables are not created, compile them with gcc MouseMover.cpp -o MouseMover -mwindows for Windows and gcc MouseMover.cpp -o MouseMover for Linux. Optionally add the architecture in the name too.

Examples to compile for different architectures:

  • Windows: gcc MouseMover.cpp -o Windows/MouseMover_x86 -mwindows -m32 gcc MouseMover.cpp -o Windows/MouseMover_x64 -mwindows -m64

  • Linux: gcc MouseMover.cpp -o Linux/MouseMover_x86 -m32 gcc MouseMover.cpp -o Linux/MouseMover_x64 -m64

For linux you might need to run the command: sudo apt-get install g++-multilib To add icons for the Windows executables you can use ResourceHacker.


  • Windows 10 SDK should be installed


  • Build on both x86 and x64 architectures using different OS installations


  • Build for both architectures using different versions of Python(one for 32 bits and one for 64 bits)

Last updated